So, we went golfing (driving range) tonight instead of to the gym.  For Christmas I found a groupon for the driving range (2 for 1) so, I bought them to put in our stockings.  Turned out to be the bestest xmas gift in ages.  We each got 900 minutes to use from December to June.  We've spent so much time at the range it's insane.

Probably the 2nd of 3rd time we were there one of the instructors was watching my horribleeeee form and came over to me and gave me a free lesson (lolll) We decided to give lessons a go and tonight was lesson #3.  All we did tonight was drive.  I probably hit about 150 balls (or more.. they're unlimited).  My biceps and triceps are like jelly.  My wrists are sore and I have blisters on my palms.  AWESOMEEEEEEEE (for realzzz)!

We've been spacing the lessons apart so I can practice what I've learned before going into the next lesson.  Wanted to get the best bang for my buck since lessons are freaking expensiveeeeeeeeeeee.  Definitely would not have been able to do that without the groupon (thanks groupon:)

I can't wait to actually get out on the course so I can try what I've learned in a game.  We tried to go golfing on Sunday but, pretty much everything was booked up (since it was 27ish degrees...) so, we settled for the outdoor range instead.

The lessons are totally helping.  I finally get the concept of the golf swing (it's like you're in a barrel.. who knew?) Damien can't understand how I was able to hit the ball before without knowing that concept but, apparently I was able to compensate.  I'm not actually as uncoordinated as I thought I was (according to our instructor).

I did really good tonight.  The majority of the balls went straight and where I wanted them to go.  It wasn't my normal fluke that I did what I was supposed to do.  I just hope I can do that the next time we're at the range (indoor or out) or on the course.  Calling for 16 degrees on Sunday (hopefully that stays) so we'll probably book a tee time for then.

my arms and body are getting sorer as I type lol but, it's a good sore.

bedtime for this skinny bitch!
Another gym adventure awaits me tomorrow...


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