Skinny bitches are people too.

Kinda shit the bed on the gym front this week.  I've gone once.  But, to my defense.. work has been a gong show (so so so busy).  There are also still 3 days left til the new week begins so, I'll get there 3-4 times this week!

Tonight I did mostly free weights. yay.  Damien just showed me some things to do and I did them.  I focused on my arms and traps as a result. All with dumbbells:
  1. Front/lateral raise
  2. Shoulder press
  3. Wrist extensions
  4. Shrugs
  5. Bicep/Hammer curl
  6. Tricep kickback
  7. Tricep extensions (behind the back)
Look at me using gym lingo ;) I should also mention that I've graduated from 5lbs dumbbells (yeah.. eat shit) to 10lbs! yeahhhhhhhhhh.  I couldn't focus on certain muscle groupings with the 5lbs.. wasn't heavy enough.
Then I did obliques and abs (which I do each time I go to the gym).  I did them on my usual "machines" but, I also did them on an exercise ball too which was wayyyyyyyy harder.  I did resistance squats but, I wanted to do them with the bench press bar but, the only one I could find weighed 45lbs.. NO DICE.  I'm sure there are lighter ones somewheres.  I'll go on an adventure next time and actually search for one.  Or just ask one of the staff if they do exist lol

Then I did a bunch of leg raises on the dip machine.  My groins (my poor little groins are brutal.. always have been) can't handle having my legs parallel to the floor so, I did it with bent knees both straight on and diagonal.

I think that was all the weights/resistance I did tonight.  Then I did about 20 minutes of cardio.

After the gym we went for ALL YOU CAN EAT SUSHIIIIIIII! If you're a sushi fan.. definitely check out Sushi King on 16th ave.  By far the best value for your buck.

Then after sushi we went to popeyes so I could get some sort of meal supplement to take between my meals to try and get extra calories/protein.  I ended up getting Muscle Mlk.  I haven't tried it yet because I'm way too full from the sushi but, I'll try it on my way to work tomorrow with whole milk.

The guy was trying to figure out which supplement would be the best for me so he asked me what I ate for lunch today.  I told him I had Wendy's (which I hadn't eaten since july or august..) and then he asked what I ate at wendy's.  I told him I had the spicy chicken combo.  He then asked me how many spicy chickens I ate. "uhhhh... one...?" *blank stare* wtf buddy? I'm sure my facial expression was stellar.  Damien almost peed himself laughing. what a tit.  Buddy was totally a roid junky too. lol

like who seriously asks a person "how many spicy chickens did you eat for lunch?" ... I'm still giggling about it.  He also proceeded to tell me to eat double cheeseburgers between my meals.  I refused and said "no. I'm not gonna eat like shit" I may have cussed at him a few times.. idiot.

I think I'm gonna create a workout book to take to the gym with me that will have different routines for different muscle groups.  Maybe that's kinda weird. but, meh.. it's right up my alley.

Gonna go to the gym again tomorrow night before I go to slowcoaster.

It's bedtime pour moi!
-K :)


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